Technical Specifications
Approximate flying weight = 330g
Wing area = 0.1805 sqm
Wing load = 1.83kg / sqm
COL (COG) = 130mm from LE
Anhedral = 70mm from the bottom of the outer foils to the bottom of the middle foil.

Rake = 21.1 degrees

All measurements as a percentage of the middle chord length
Middle foil
Middle chord length (230mm)
Thick point back from the leading edge = 20%
Thickness 16.1%
Camber 1%
Leading edge radius 6.5%
AOA (Angle of Attack) = 0 degrees
Except for the trailing edge which is 3mm thick

Aspect ratio
AR = (1/2 the span) / (max chord).
To wingtip before curve up to vertical stabaliser starts 425mm
425 / 230 = 1.8
To actual outside edge of vertical stabaliser
491.76 / 230 = 2.13