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Calculating out the angle for the wingtips of Sentach

This new plane is for a slope soaring wing which I can mount the head tracker in and then convert it into a powered craft once it’s sloping well.

A name? Name, name ….. errrm name? Something nonsense word not readily used in English which we can make into a proper noun.

Hmmm..   “Sentach”, a quick search. Nothing too offensive in there. “Yesss, that’ll dooooo!!!”

I’ll see if I can use XFLR5 this time.

OK we need a Reynolds number (Re) which is this number which allows us to compare a full size commercial air plane to our RC model and roughly know that they are similar. All you need is flow speed, viscosity and chord length to get your Reynolds number. All the foil design software programs use a Reynolds in some way or another.

For our RC plane I’ll work on a 20kt wind at 20 degree temperature which gives a rough Re of 152,207.

Setting up the foil:

Keep the 50mm thickness as much as possible.

Central foil to be asymmetric. say 1% camber.

3.25% L.E. radius.

Thick point at 30% from the L.E.

We have 50mm thick foam at a 300mm chord = 16.6% wing thickness.

T.E (trailing Edge ) thickness 5/300 = 1.67%

XFLR8 software

Well, I’m impressed!!!! Stream analysis on GNU software. Amazing!!

These following images show the difference in lift (the green lines coming up from the wing) and tip vortex when we put 7 degrees tip twist on the wing. It’s considerably less drag. Less lift with the tip twist, but the lift vectors are centralized  around the middle of the wing. Thus the wing will handle better, not tip stall, handle more wind and self stabalise quicker.

This video by Chrsto T outlines how to make XFLR8 work this magic.

These images explain quite well how Gemot works.


Cm = Pitching moment coefficient –> At Zero the wing is stable. +ve pitch nose up and -ve pitch nose down.



Reading Polar diagrams





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Something to put the head tracker in.

I wanted to put the head tracker in some thing. Gemot would only just allow for the head tracker in it and it only had 35mm maximum air flow distortion (i.e. the thickness of the centre foil). The EPS sheets I’ve been buying are 50mm thick which is plenty of air distortion to create heaps of lift. This wing above will also have the fuselage as part of the lifting surface. It will be the same proportions as the wings. Thus making it about 70ish mm thick.

It’s about the same wingspan as Gemot coming it at just a touch over a metre. I’ve learnt that the little 0.25N torque servos (2.5kg/cm) are straining on almost everything when the wing span is over a metre.

This wing also allows for the GRP (Glass Reinforced Plastic) chassis to be pushed inside to convert it to powered flight later. It can be tested gliding and then step across to powered later by sliding in the engine. The V- shaped EPS frame inside should spread the load on impacts with the ground during testing.

About the head tracker. The HMC5883L chip arrived in the post on Friday and I couldn’t wait. Put it together that night. Added the chip into the I2C bus, Added Dennis Frie’s code and away it went. It worked through the Turnigy i10 using the trainer cable and a 10channel RX.

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Fried the QX90C mosfet

Yes, by the 4th flight it was baked. The mosfet labelled A08K 77 overheated. I think possibly because we are NoObs at Quad flying and so hovering around indoors on and off the ground without much air movement over the mosfets doesn’t give much of a chance for heat dissipation.

We ordered some mosfets off Ali Express. They should arrive in a couple of months and then we can test our micro soldering skills. Util then we’ve ordered some more QX90C’s and will also order a spare flight control board.

Maybe it’s worth sticking a baby heat sink on these mosfets.

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Testing the weight shifter.

Just tested the weight shifter at skenners. Flew perfectly … in a straight line. Flight weight 836g. Too much lift on these wings. Also the lift goes all the way to the tips rather than being laterally centralised. Thus the weight shift makes bugger all difference in this wing.Using 50mm thick foam sheets as wings is great as you don’t have to laminate them, but then they’re heavy, cause way more lift and require more power, torque, mass movement to drive rhem.

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QX90C from Banggood

We flew this for the first time on the weekend. We can’t fly quad to save our lives, but it resisted all our crashes. Shows what a lack of mass does for your survival rate. Quads are great FPV practice as a transition to wings. Get’s you used to floating in space and moving around through the goggles without the device moving away from you at a million miles an hour.

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The 2 versions of the GY-85 9DOF PCB

This one has the HoneyWell Magneto chip on it.

Chip markings:

And this one has the QMC magneto chip on it:

Chip markings:

It’s difficult to confirm which one you’re going to get from any given online seller as they look very similar.

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Mass shifter attempt 3

Attempt 2 was quickly cannobalised by attempt 3. Rather than trying to figure out a complete answrr to the universe by thinking about it, just start building.And by just building this the possibility of fore and aft mass shift becomea more apparent.This time the weight shift is only port and starboard. AOA set by a trailing wing.

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Another dud GY-85

This is the 4th order of the GY-85 and it has the QMC magneto in it again even though the photos on ebay showed the Honeywell chip. Hmm, bit of a fail. RC groups was saying the Honeywell chip is not manufactured any more.

I got the QMC chip working on all 3 axis’, but it uses a totally different code library and thus Dennis Frie’s code doesn’t work with it. Might be time to write some code??